How much better is it to get wisdom than gold!
and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver! Proverbs 16:16
(written May, 2014)
This year, 2014, the Hebrew calendar coincided with our own Gregorian calendar, meaning Passover took place on the 14th day of April & the Feast of Unleavened Bread was on the 15th. If you recall, April 15th was the date of the 1st of 4 Blood Moons. I submit to you that the prophetic Sixth Seal of Revelation has been broken. Please get your houses in order now!
Revelation 6:12
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal,
& lo, there was a great earthquake;
& the sun became black as sack cloth of hair,
& the moon became as blood.
Joel 2:31
The sun shall be turned into darkness, & the moon into blood,
before the great & the terrible day of the LORD come.
There are 3 more blood moons that are to come, one in October of this year & 2 in 2015. Two of the 4 fall on Passover & the other 2 fall on Sukkot (the Feast of Tabernacles).
April 15, 2014=Passover; October 8, 2014=Sukkot;
April 4, 2015=Passover; September 28, 2015=Sukkot
The scriptures above speak about the blood moons that occur prior to 'the great & terrible day of the LORD'. However, Christ also said that a blood moon would also follow the tribulation period.
Mark 13:24,26
But in those days,
after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened,
& the moon shall not give her light,
26-And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds
with great power & glory.
There have been other blood moons falling on God's Holy Days. Why do I believe these moons are further signs that we are in the latter-day period? I encourage you to go to the first letter I posted on this sight entitled 'My Story'. In it I explain the latter-day timeline taken from the prophecy found in the book of Daniel. The link to that page is provided down below. I've also added another link to a video which provides a much more detailed explanation with visuals. Please also take the time to read Daniel carefully to understand the prophecy more thoroughly.
It's time you knew what's really going on.